2.8 Advanced rules (wildcards)

RankSense supports the asterisk (*) as a wildcard within the URL column. This is a powerful feature, but it needs to be used with care, because it will effect all URLs that match the pattern.


All URL-based rules support wildcards in the first column. However, the other columns do not support wildcards.

For example, you may need to apply the same canonical URL to all pages of the type:
(That is, all URLs that begin in that way, and may contain anything else after the equal sign)

The app will allow you to enter this URL in the first column. However, you will have to specify the same canonical URL for all of these in the second column, for example:
If you want all paginated pages to be canonical to the view-all page.

The app will not allow you to use a wildcard in the second column, so you would not be able to specify that each paginated page is canonical to itself with a single wildcard rule. In that case, you would need to create separate rules for every paginated page.

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